Monday, August 31, 2020

I am more at ease every day.
I am a powerful being of light.
I take time to plan my next day.
New and scary is not a bad thing.
  And so it is!  

Friday, August 28, 2020

I am allowed to take up space.
I am stronger than any situation.
Godesalthi protects and keeps me safe.
What I want, or something better, is on it’s way.
  And so it is!  

Thursday, August 27, 2020

What I am is beauty and light.
I release the need for perfection.
I am creatively inspired by the world around me.
I have the courage to step outside my comfort zone.
  And so it is!  

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

I choose tenderness.
I am at peace with my desires.
I am divinely protected by the Universe.
I choose to accept myself as I am in this moment.
  And so it is!  

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I choose light.
I am confident in my future.
My mind is full of brilliant ideas.
I know that being uncomfortable helps me grow.
  And so it is!  

Monday, August 24, 2020

I choose joy.
I think ahead.
I trust that I am on the right path.
I am a magnet for amazing ideas.
  And so it is!  

Friday, August 21, 2020

I have everything I need, to achieve every goal I have.
I release what no longer serves me and embrace what will.
I have compassion for my mistakes and create my personal best.
My romantic relationship is healthy, long-lasting and full of love.
  And so it is!  

Thursday, August 20, 2020

I wake up every morning filled with joy.
I deserve the best and it comes to me now.
I take the risks necessary to put myself in success.
I am doing the best I can with the tools available to me.
  And so it is!  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I look out for myself in the right way.
My greatest good is coming to me now.
I giving myself permission to contribute and create.
I face each day with the support and love of my partner.
  And so it is!  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

My possibilities are endless.
I am conscientious of what I want.
I am worthy of all my dreams and desires.
My partner is physically and spiritually attracted to me
  And so it is!  

Monday, August 17, 2020

All I need, I already have.
I am extremely successful.
I make the right choices for me.
My partner is kind, compassionate and understanding.
  And so it is!  

Friday, August 14, 2020

I appreciate and acknowledge all of me.
I live in an abundant universe and have everything I need.
I acknowledge the role that solitude plays in my creativity.
I release all beliefs, persons and situations that prevent me from being.
  And so it is!  

Thursday, August 13, 2020

My life is free from clutter and drama.
I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.
In isolation I find inspiration and new creative channels.
I change lack to abundance and move from strive to thrive.
  And so it is!  

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

I am connected to the Universe.
The universe is safe, abundant and friendly.
My creativity grows as my solitude increases.
I see an array of abundance and opportunity in flow.
  And so it is!  

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

All is well and good in my life.
I endeavor to be the best that I can be.
I have abundance in every area of my life.
I change my mode from resistance to acceptance.
  And so it is!  

Monday, August 10, 2020

Peace begins in me.
I bless the abundance I see in others.
I increase my creativity with solitude.
I am a powerful force for positive change.
  And so it is!  

Friday, August 7, 2020

I attract all my desires in great abundance.
I trust myself with making the right decisions.
I give complete concentration on my creative endeavors.
I recalibrate what I can do right now to make a difference.
  And so it is!  

Thursday, August 6, 2020

I am always seeking new opportunities.
I am certain that my path is always perfect for me.
I have been gifted another chance to share my insights.
My imagination develops and changes with each breath.
  And so it is!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

I am confident, capable, and concise.
I switch my perspective to what I can do.
I disconnect from technology and focus on the quiet.
Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
  And so it is!  

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

I simply think things through.
I am refocusing on what I can do.
I am thankful for the ability to grow my creativity.
I can and will have more than I ever dreamed possible.
  And so it is! 

Monday, August 3, 2020

I reorganize my energy.
I am naturally ambitious.
I increase my creativity with solitude.
Life is filled with opportunity and I seize it.
  And so it is!